Map games are a very useful way of teaching someone the basics about an area. I played some various games from the posted links and found some of them pretty good at teaching me where things are located on maps and got me use to the spatial aspect of maps.

The first one I played was called find it russia. It was where you just has a map of russia and the surrounding countries and you had to select the correct one when the name came yp. This is a very good tool if you needed to memorize where each contry is.

Another game that I played was GeoNet. This was a little more of a challenging one that gave spatial references to things and you were given choices to what it was. This is a great was to not just focus on one thing but to look around and get the spatial references around a place.

The last game that I played was from the national geographic website. This was a game that was simply just educational and interesting rather than playing along. This one was called see GIS in action. It showed lots of endangered animals and gave lots of different maps to show the facts and statistics about that animal so people can learn more about how to save them.